How does laser eye surgery work?

Knowing how a laser eye surgery work helps you to relieve the tension in getting an operation done. Sometimes laser eye surgery is done in conjunction with other procedures that are not laser.

The laser beam that is used for the surgery is used to reshape the cornea by removing some of the corneal tissues. This helps the retina of your eye to get the correct image.

Removing the tissues from the cornea is done by laser but accessing the corneal tissue is done by creating a flap in the stroma. The flap that is created is bent to give access to the cornea for a laser eye surgery work.

Lasers are of different types which can be classified as broad beam lasers, slit scanning lasers and spot scanning lasers. As the name indicates the broad beam lasers use broad laser beams for correction.

Risks like decentration and overcorrection are overcome with a broad beam laser whereas a slit scanning laser has more risk on the above.

Spot scanning lasers are used to give a customized ablations and more useful for treating astigmatism.Advanced laser eye surgeries which track your eye movement is also available now-a-days.

Laser eye surgeries that take long time for the surgical procedures to be completed requires some kind of eye tracking otherwise the patient may find it difficult to fixate the eyes for longer duration.

If you know how a laser eye surgery works then it will be easy for you to opt for a surgery that might suit you. Moreover know how a laser eye surgery works helps you also to enquire about the surgery with your surgeon and get more information on the type of surgery that you will undergo.

Knowing how a laser eye surgery works also helps you to prepare yourself mentally and how to take care of yourself after the surgery. after a surgery if you feel that something is wrong always make sure that you consult with your eye surgeon so that you can avoid any further complications in the future.

Proper rest is essential even if you have undergone a laser eye surgery. This is a must for speedy recovery. Driving immediately after the surgery should be avoided.

Make sure that you have sufficient finance available for the surgery or else you can look for ways to arrange for the finance.

Check whether the surgery is covered in the health plan that you have or you can approach a finance company for a loan with an easy to pay installment scheme.


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