How to Improve Your Eyesight Through Exercise

You may be surprised to know that you will be able to effectively improve your eyesight through mimicking perception.

Though your eyes are involved in collecting light and the images, only your brain is involved in actually “seeing” them after receiving the light and images as signals.

Hence the seat of sight is actually in your brain and it is capable of deciding what to see based on the stored information in the brain.

In one of the studies carried out, scientists used advanced computer programmes and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) for mapping specific areas of brain.

And in the process, scientists were able to find, observe, and study how the optic nerves receive signals and transmit such signals to visual cortex area of the brain and how the signals are read or interpreted by brain.

It so happens that the more of your visual information possession, more is your brain’s ability to process information and your brain will become more adept in interpreting things you see even when the received information or clues is very small.

To make it further clear, imagine a situation where in you are familiar with a person who wears a peculiar spectacles, then what your brain needs is a simple view of the spectacle through your eyes and your brain will immediately recognize the person in no time.

Similarly the information may be based on many things such as hairstyle, mannerism of tilting one’s head during walking, etc.

The act or the art of recognizing other persons actually starts even when you are a baby and as a baby you will start recognizing your mother as a different person from you.

Then you slowly start differentiating things from other and learn to identify various things duly attaching certain physical characteristics or features.

Your understanding about the object depends upon what you see in them and the information received or made from seeing the object becomes your perception and develops as knowledge about the objects.

When every thing in your life need to be first assessed or accessed through your eye, then you can imagine the trauma of developing a faulty vision that may interfere with your intellectual understanding.

For example, if you have glaucoma or cataract, then you will have lesser desires to look at things with an intent intention to understand them and slowly you will also lose your intellectual knowledge step by step.

With glaucoma, you will become more disinterested in your otherwise interesting life’s activities, but you can learn to overcome the debilitating effects through certain perception-sharpening exercises and we will see few of them now.

There are about eleven exercises, but before you could try them out, take a good amount of time to practice a regulated breathing. Learn the technique of breathing from your depth of your stomach or your diaphragm of stomach. While breathing in use your nose and while breathing out use your mouth to let the air out.

Note to make your breathing slow and steady and once you master the techniques, you can repeat the breathing exercise before actually starting the regular exercise as narrated below. The exercise is all about the perception and hence you should make your mind to look for finer details.

1. Look at a building. Start your vision on the brickwork first and then you can move on seeing the windows, the frames of windows, the doors, and again the doorframes, the roof, etc.

If you happen to read the address that has been either etched on the wall or written on a plate, note to read the letter individually and keep on seeing things or the surface of the building and never stop or fix your vision on one particular place or spot.

2. Ask a friend to be with you. Look at your friend’s head, face, eyelashes, eyebrows, mouth, chin area, cheeks, teeth, hair as if your are going to draw his face on a paper and you want to put in more details in a precise manner.

3. Try Looking at a Tree. Then shift your sight to the trunk of the tree, branches, bark, lesser thick branches, twigs, flowers, leaves, veins present in leaves, etc.

4. Do a lot of blinking as frequent blinking can lubricate your eyes well in a natural and safe way.

5. Close you eyes in a very slow manner and try opening them one by one in a very slow fashion. Repeat this for few times.

When you have closed your eyes, make forward and backward head movements in a quick manner and then open your eyes slowly. You can open each eye in a slow manner and try to blink with one eye at a time.

6. Take a white paper and draw in black color the letter “E” in a big size. First look at the bottom bar of the E letter, then move your vision to the upper bar, then the vertical bar and finally the middle bar.

Picturize the letter E in your mind and step back at least five feet from where you stand. Blink your eyes few times and then look at the drawn letter E again form distance.

Blink again few times in a slow manner and note not to stare at the letter. At one stage you will not be able to see the letter E or the letter will disappear.

In case you are still be able to see the letter E, then step back few feet and repeat the process until you no longer see the letter E or the letter E disappear from your sight.

7. For your peripheral vision certain cells are importantly responsible and you can learn to stimulate them. Stretch out both of your arms on each side.

Move your fingers and try to see your moving fingers without moving your head from the straight position. If you have any difficulty in seeing, try to brig your hands little close and try again.

8. Visualize a big circle with your eyes closed. Visualize a pencil or pen fixed at the center your nose. Using the pencil or pen to trace the imaginary circle and squeeze it into an oval shaped one.

Now trace it around with the pencil into the shape of figure eight. Try writing your name duly tracing each letter.

9. Affix a bit of paper on your nose and let it on your nose bridge. Keep both your index fingers in front of you and move them clockwise initially.

Then move both your index fingers counter clockwise. Now try moving your fingers in opposite direction say one finger in clockwise direction and the other one in counter clockwise.

Try following your vision with the moving fingers all the time. You can even try repeating the counter clockwise movements of fingers alternatively.

10. Sit in a place comfortably so that you can see a reasonably big object say a calendar hanging on a wall. If you have any eye chart in your home, then you can preferably use it with advantage after hanging it on the wall. Look at the chart or the calendar.

Then shift your vision to a window and try to focus on a distant object. Then look at the chart or calendar and see few letters or dates. Look down and raise to see the distant window or other objects.

11. Whenever you are reading some material, pause after some time and shift your vision from the reading material. Now try to remember the last word you have just read.

Try to bring it back to your memory and visualize it figuratively. Visualize its black color or the color with which it was printed and visualize the white background of the letter or the word. Try to look at the word again and visualize again.

Please note not to hold your vision or stare on one point. Try moving your vision around the object. When you are visualizing remove your sight from the object and focus mentally.

The results will be more better and marked when you keep making sharp eye movements and in quick succession. You will not feel fatigued when you see at letters or words during your quick glance exercise.

Besides the beneficial perception based exercises, there are other types of exercises to relieve the tension and we will see them now.

1. Give a good massage to your jaw area including the jawbones. Give a big yawn for relaxing the jaw muscles. Make some noises and blurt out few sounds. These techniques can relieve your facial tension.

2. There is a muscle running between the back of your ears to your sides of the neck ending in shoulders and this muscle is known as sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Feel this muscle and massage it using four of your fingers and massage on each side simultaneously giving importance to more tense patches or areas. Do the massaging at least 20 times and experience a relief in tension in your neck area and shoulder.

3. Make rotational movements of your each shoulder at a time and at least ten times.

4. Keep your head in a loose fashion and rotate or move it in a circle both clockwise and anti-clockwise, at least ten times in a row.

The above-mentioned simple exercises can relieve your tense muscles and help you in getting a better circulation. It is very normal for your body to get tense on getting engaged in one job continuously and you are bound to get the blood circulation affected.

Under such circumstances, these exercises can help you in relaxing the tense muscles and get back a good circulation to your optic nerves. Good and healthy optic nerves can prevent you from getting afflicted with glaucoma.


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