Plastic surgeries gone bad

The word plastic in plastic surgery is not associated with the modern day plastic that we use in our daily lives, rather it refers to a Greek word that has a meaning associated with molding or shaping.

This was because plastic surgeries were practiced in the earlier days to fix body parts that have been severed or gone bad due to accidents or any other reason.

In those days, the field of medicine was not as improved as today and due to the lack of hygienic conditions and lack of sophisticated instruments etc, a number of surgeries failed to serve their purpose.

Patients who required plastic surgeries would’ve gone back from the surgery with a problem that has gone from bad to worse.

In recent times the field of medicine, surgical practices and procedures, modern day surgical instruments etc have resulted in a major reduction in the percentage of plastic surgeries that have reportedly gone bad.

According to estimates, most of the plastic surgeries performed in recent times are cosmetic in nature, i.e. those where the patient requires the surgery mainly in order to make small modifications or changes in his or her appearance.

Celebrities as well as common people have taken to plastic surgeries in a big way and the reasons for this popularity are that the surgeries have been largely safe and successful and the number of them that have reportedly gone bad has reduced to a large extent.

Technological advances and improvements like virtual reality are proving to be a major boon to surgeons and patients alike.

Simulations can be performed to come up with a view that shows the effect of the plastic surgery.Also virtual reality will be able to show the effects of aging that people might undergo over a period of time after the plastic surgery.

These help the patients in a variety of plastic surgeries and help them to see the post operative conditions and looks and ensure that the surgery would not end up in a case of the ones gone bad.

Patients can look and alter the looks in computer screens, rather than undergoing surgeries and then not being happy with the outcome.In some cases, where plastic surgeries have gone bad, resulting in unwanted looks or failing to solve the initial problem, further surgeries might be required.

Patients, who have undergone such plastic surgeries, have gone back to surgery tables in order to fix the bad experience. Plastic surgeries are supposed to help people correct or fix their important organs that have been affected and in cases where they have gone the other way, they tend to leave a bad taste.

Obviously this is not a frequent condition and one which the patient and surgeon will try to avoid by all means.


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