Post Abdominoplasty Surgery - Risks & Recovery Factors
Post Abdominoplasty
surgery emphasizes the cautions to be followed up just after the undergoing
of the abdominoplasty surgery. Of course, there are many reputed surgical
institutions which will have specific guidelines related with this abdominoplasty
post surgery.
First, the patient in post abdominoplasty surgery stage should not perform
vigorous exercises after the abdominoplasty surgery, there may be disturbances
in the sutures and the sutured sites; ultimately, there may be weakening
of suture materials and this may cause some leakage of abdominal contents
in peritoneum of patient or this may become an entry point for pathogens.
Blood clots may occur at the incision site if one is careless in treatment.
Further, the scar may be an extensive one involving the wider areas of
the skin and if the operated site is highly disturbed without proper follow
up of medical instructions provided, then this will have some definite
impact on the period of persistence of scar in patient. Hence, abdominoplasty
surgery is the important criteria to be understood, clearly. The scar
may not be an extensive one in case of partial or less extensive abdominoplasty.
There are many persons who may develop some kinds of depression after
the abdominoplasty surgery and hence, they need to be educated on the
kind of this operation to be carried out with them and hence, the patient
may be more courageous and firm.
Post abdominoplasty surgery is always given more priority because if clinical
precautions are duly followed up, then some patients may even have some
difficulties in urination and some may even have building up of fluid
in the operated site and in such occasions, one may have to take suitable
treatment. Some times, temporarily, incidences of loss of sensation in
abdomen may be encountered as one of the complications.
Some patients may undergo constipation, after the abdominoplaty surgery
one may have to eat laxatives which may be a natural ones like greens
or an artificial stool softening agents. However, the suggestion from
medical expert may be given significance.
Simple precaution steps like doing of minimal or moderate exercise will
assist the patient in reducing the accumulation of fluid in the operated
site. Rarely, due to improper healing, second operation may be required.
To avoid complications pertaining to the post abdominoplasty surgery,
one should avoid vigorous exercise and if this step is not followed properly,
then hernia may occur in the patients.
If contamination of incision site occurs due to the unhygienic practice,
then the tissue may become necrotic and gangrene may get established and
in such situations, broad spectrum antibiotic needs to be taken along
with anti-inflammatory drugs, as per the medical suggestions given by
experts. Hence, post abdominoplasty surgery stages need to be taken as
more crucial stages to be taken care of, intensely.