dentistry bonding is also referred as composite bonding / tooth bonding.
It is used to repair the cracked, chipped and discoloured teeth.
It is also used to replace silver amalgam fillings, misaligned teeth and
in turn provide a straight, uniform and fair smile. This bonding technique
employs composite resin to restore decayed teeth, to make cosmetic improvements
and to change colour of the teeth.
The composite used is made up of silicon dioxide / quartz particles bonded
with a tough synthetic resin. It is available in different shades and
toughness. In general the bonding will cover any likely defects by applying
slight coating of plastic on the teeths front surface, which is
followed by a bonding material and sculpt.
It is then coloured and shaped to provide the desired result. After that
the plastic is hardened by using high intensity light and then the surface
will be polished.
Who needs Cosmetic Dentistry Bonding?
When there are close and small gaps in your front teeth or you have cracked
/ chipped teeth, then you need cosmetic dentistry bonding. Bonding is
also done if you have uneven, discoloured teeth / gum recession / tooth
Dentistry Bonding Procedure
Before the tooth bonding procedure gets started, your tooth is made ready
by roughening the area of repair. After that an etching solution is applied
to the teeth and then the bonding resin is placed on your tooth. Under
high intensity light, the photo-initiators in the composite cure the resin
onto your tooths surface.
These resins are in different colours so as to match up with your tooth
colour and they are also available in various degrees of translucency.
Commonly anaesthetics are not used in this case. Then according to the
condition, several layers are applied to the tooth. When final coating
has been applied, sculpturing of the bonded material is done so as to
fit the tooth and finely polished.
Based on the layers involved, the procedure will take longer time compared
to the usual silver fillings. In general, bonding takes 1 to 2 hours based
on your case.
How long does Filling of Cosmetic Dentistry Bonding Last?
The composite fillings last in an average range of seven to eleven years
whereas the common silver fillings last up to seven years.
of Cosmetic Dentistry Bonding
Cosmetic Dentistry Bonding is quick and affordable.
Pain after the procedure is low and not long lasting.
It acts as a great alternative to more extensive cosmetic treatments
such as veneers, crowns, etc.
The resin employed in the composite tooth bonding is more flexible;
it can expand and contract with the natural tooth. Hence it prevents cracks
and tooth loss.
Thus, the cosmetic dentistry bonding is an exact and beneficial treatment
to those who need to repair imperfections in their smile.