Green light laser prostate surgery is a big boon

Prostate enlargement (also called BHP i.e. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) is a deadly infection experienced by most of the men that brings discomfort in their life. It is caused due to growth of prostate gland due to which urethra is compressed.

As such the follow passage for urine is obstructed and this results in increased bothersome urinary symptoms like irritation, strained, slow, discontinuous and frequent urine. Among many treatments to cure this infection, green light laser therapy is one of the best treatments for this infection as it involves the use of modern technology of lasers.

Since long this treatment has set of new standard care for treating enlarged prostate symbols. You might have heard about the surgery with the name “PVP”, which stands for photoselective vaporization of the prostate. Green light laser therapy has received FDA clearance in May 2001.

Basically laser surgery uses high energy lasers to destroy prostate tissue. Following procedure is followed in green light laser surgery. The patient is first given general or spinal anesthesia. The doctor then passes the thin laser fiber through the passage called urethra into the prostate using cytoscope, cytoscope is a camera that allows doctor to examine bladder and prostate, and delivers bursts of energy. Each burst lasts for 30 to 60 seconds. The high energy of lasers destroys prostate tissue by vaporizing them and prostates are thus removed.

Laser therapy, generally called green light laser therapy or surgery gives good results as it involves no complication and gives immediate relief. But this treatment gives pain and slight burning or in some cases blood in the urine immediately after the therapy but in due course of time the patient is left with no pain and no signs of bleeding. Nevertheless we cannot deny the fact that every therapy involves a risk in it but it is a matter of risk to award.

The laser therapy has some side effects like urinary tract infections, increased or severe urges to urinate or incontinence. In rare cases of surgery, scar tissue may form in urethra and bladder causing blockages in urine flow passage. The side effects can also be related to sexual disorders that include retrograde ejaculation and in rare cases erectile dysfunction or impotence. Also the anesthesia given for the therapy also reduces the effectiveness of the therapy.

The advantage of using laser therapy over TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate) is the less blood loss in laser therapy than TURP. This treatment shows dramatic improvement in urine flow. The person who has undergone this surgery can be back to his normal activities within a very short time period that can be 2 to 3 weeks time. It has shorter recovery time and comparatively less side effects.

The person may require just one night to stay at the hospital after the day of surgery. This is considered as minimum invasive surgery because it does not involve into the cutting of pelvic area so as to remove tissue. No doubt the green light laser is an outpatient and an effective procedure that offers freedom from enlarged prostate symptoms.

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