What is Ablation Surgery

What is Ablation Surgery?

Ablation Surgery is the process of destroying abnormal or malfunctioning tissues. Ablation Surgery destroys the abnormal tissues using one of the following ways: (1) standard surgery (2) destroying abnormal tissues using laser beam (3) destroying abnormal tissue using electricity or microwave energy (4) freezing the abnormal tissue (5) burning the abnormal tissue.

Types of Ablation Surgery

Cardiac Ablation Surgery and Endometrial Ablation Surgery are the two different types of Ablation surgery.

What is Cardiac Ablation Surgery?

Cardiac Ablation Surgery is also known as Heart Ablation Surgery. Cardiac Ablation Surgery is performed to remove abnormal tissues from heart. It is done in patients who did not show progress in non-surgical treatments. Cardiac Ablation Surgery is recommended to the patient having high chances of cardiac arrest due to atrial fibrillation. This surgery is done to correct the abnormal rhythms and remove the extra tissues present in the upper part of the heart.

Cardiac Ablation Surgery Procedure

Cardiac Ablation Surgery is performed by placing catheter tubes. A vein in forearm, groin or neck is selected and catheter is inserted into it and moved to the upper part of the heart where the abnormal heart rhythm or arrhythmia occurs. The electrodes are then placed in various parts of the heart, heart is monitored, and problematic area of the heart is diagnosed and finally destroyed by the electrical signals sent by one of the catheter lines. .

What is Endometrial Ablation Surgery?

Endometrial Ablation Surgery is performed to remove abnormal tissues from uterus. Endometrial Ablation Surgery is recommended for patients having abnormal bleeding in uterus due to the abnormality in the lining tissues of the uterus (endometrium). The pre-conditions required for the surgery are: non-cancerous (benign) condition of abnormal bleeding of uterus, no pregnancy or future pregnancy and no infection in the genital track. Endometrial Ablation Surgery is done in cases where the initial medical therapies and hormonal therapies have failed to control bleeding in the uterus.

Endometrial Ablation Surgery Procedure

Initially Endometrial sampling or biopsy is performed. If the biopsy result states that the bleeding in uterus is due to any polyps or fibroids, then there is a need for Endometrial Ablation Surgery. After biopsy, the patient has to undergo hormonal therapy. This hormonal therapy will shrink endometrium and favor success of the surgery. After biopsy and hormonal therapy, Endometrial Ablation Surgery is performed by sending surgical instruments into uterine cavity through a passage made by dilating the cervical opening and then destroying unwanted tissues using these surgical instruments.

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