Surgery to Correct Deviated Septum

What is Deviated Septum? Deviated Septum is a physical disorder which is commonly found in people. It is the dislocation of nasal septum of the nose.

It is usually found in people due to impact trauma due to a blow caused in the face or it can be a congenital disorder mainly due to the problem of nose at the time of birth. It can also be found when the thin tissue which separates the two nostrils is misplaced from the centre of the nose.

Symptoms of Deviated Septum

• Repeated sneezing is usually found as a symptom.

• In few people there is frequent nose bleeding and pain in face.

• Breathing difficulty, sleep apnea and snoring are also related symptoms.

• Few people suffer from even sinus infections.

What is Deviated Septum Surgery?

Deviated Septum Surgery is the surgery to correct deviated septum. It is also termed as septoplasty or septal reconstruction or sub mucous resection of the septum. This surgery is mainly done for inflammation or bleeding found in nose, chronic sinusitis or for sleep apnea.

It is also done in the case of removal of nasal polyps and for breathing problems too. A deviated septum can cause many problems like: one or both nostrils can be blocked, nasal congestion, frequent bleeding of nose and many more.

Procedure for Surgery to Correct Deviated Septum
Initially the Doctor inspects the nasal passages of the patient to check the shape of the septum by using an endoscope which is a thin and lighted instrument. The instrument may also be used at the time of surgery. General or local anesthesia is given to the patient for a 60 to 90 minutes operation.

A small cut is being created inside the nose followed by the careful lifting of mucosal lining from the septum to one side of the nose. The septum is then removed and the mucosal lining is rebuilt in the middle line. Then the nose is covered with nasal packing material and regular checkup is being undergone by the patient.

Complications of Surgery to correct Deviated septum

• The main complication found after surgery is the risks caused by infection. Antibiotics are prescribed by Surgeon to prevent the patient from infection.

• After the surgery, for few days there is a possibility of small bleedings through nose.

• Numbness is another problem found and it can be experienced in nose, upper lip and cheeks.

• Swelling of nose, upper lip and eyelids are commonly found during the first two weeks after the operation but it can be cured later.

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