Get Back your dexterity through Arm Liposuction

The most common type of plastic surgery performed today is Liposuction plastic surgery. The second most commonly performed plastic surgery next to abdominal liposuction is none other than Arm liposuction.

A recent study conducted by the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons reveals that around one lakh liposuction procedures are being carried out every year in the United States.

Arm liposuction is the panacea for the bewildering problems of your hands and legs and the procedure leaves only few dots as marks that too at the inside portion of the upper arm opposite of the arm pit.

How arm liposuction it is done

The most popular and commonly used technique is the tumescent procedure in arm liposuction. Under this technique, local anesthesia is administered to make the target area numb.

Administration of local anesthesia is very cost effective and less risky when compared to the general anesthesia. Further, one need not be subjected to an extended trauma and blood loss.

Under Tumescent technique a mild solution of local anesthesia is administered into the target area where arm liposuction is to be carried out. The local anesthesia will make the area numb and inflate the fat cells. Then the unwanted fat will be sucked out in a steady process, using vacuum.

Known Advantages and Disadvantages

The most useful and best advantage of arm liposuction is that the procedure will leave few very small scars that are hardly noticeable. Further, the scars appear as small dots that too in an area under the arm opposite to the armpit.

The only known disadvantage of any arm liposuction is hanging of skin in the upper arm region due to the weak skin elasticity factor. This was due to the fact that the arm liposuction procedure cannot remove the hanging skin. One may need another procedure of plastic surgery to correct this problem.

Arm Tuck procedure to get rid of “Bat Wings”

The hanging arm skin that one get after any arm liposuction is called as “bat wings” and such condition is very embarrassing and lead to inconvenience while wearing shirts. Hanging of the subcutaneous fat over the upper arm is common after any arm liposuction and Arm Tuck is the only procedure that can correct this situation.

Again, arm tuck is the second largest plastic surgery performed next to abdomen liposuction. Under this procedure, an incision will be made in the armpit by the doctor and the excess arm skin will be cut away and the skin will be stretched and stitched.

In an another combined plastic surgery procedure known as brachioplasty, first the arm liposuction is performed and then the excess skin is removed. Such type of procedure is done in exceptional cases and only on people who were obese earlier and has had undergone some weight loss programmes.

Probable time for Recovery

Any normal person who keeps general health can recover from arm liposuction within a period of three to six weeks and any further procedure such as arm tuck may take little more time for full recovery.


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