Stomach Liposuction, the Most sought after Liposuction

Stomach liposuction is the most commonly performed liposuction procedures and is seen done both on men and women who aspire for flatter stomach. The aspiration, be it for a flatter stomach or having a well shaped body, has in fact driven people to get liposuction procedure done on them.

You can see people opting for stomach liposuction for weight reduction and the surgeons also perform such procedures to assist their patients have an effective check on their increasing waistline or body weight.

Stomach liposuction is gaining popularity for one main reason that many people are not able to keep up the exercise schedule for their weight reduction and their busy life has just prompted them to look for alternate and easy methods such as liposuction.

Types of Abdominal Fat

The abdominal fat can be broadly classified into two categories namely sub-cutaneous and intra-abdominal. As the name suggests, the sub-cutaneous fat is the fat that are lying just beneath the skin in abdominal area and the intra-abdominal is one that lies deep inside the stomach area between the intestines.

The popular stomach liposuction procedure is very effective in reducing the sub-cutaneous fat where as the intra-abdominal fat cannot be eliminated with the help of liposuction for the main reason that such fat areas are not easily reachable and are highly risk prone.

Before deciding the correct procedure, you should take up tests to decide on what type of fat constitutes your tummy. Your doctor is the right person to check and find out the type of fat that you have in your abdominal area.

However, a simple test that can be carried out by you to vaguely identify the fat that you have is as follows: grab a portion of the fat (or the bulge in your stomach area) with your two fingers, thumb and the index finger, and if you can move the grabbed fat up and down, then it is a rough indication that the fat is sub-cutaneous and is best suited for stomach liposuction.

Another thumb rule is when you hold the fat with your two fingers and if the “pinch is more than an inch” then it is time you got rid of the flab immediately.

An effective new Tumescent Technique

Today the new tumescent technique is one of the commonly performed techniques in stomach liposuction. The word tumescent means swollen or bulge and hence aptly applies to liposuction procedure.

Under this technique, after administration of local anesthesia, the tumescent medicine will be injected into the area where liposuction is to be performed.

The tumescent medicine is capable of inflating the fat globules and makes the fat suction easy and effortless with less bleeding.

The tumescent technique used in stomach liposuction is the best in industry, as the same doesn’t warrant general anesthesia and the patient also stand to gain by avoiding complications related to administration of general anesthesia.

Faster Recovery

Person who underwent stomach liposuction will be able to walk comfortably within few hours of operation. You may be asked to be bed ridded for the first few hours and will be asked to necessarily under take little walking to assess the condition.

After the stomach liposuction, you may not feel great pain and hence there will not be any prescriptions for pain management. However, in case of certain unusual pain, the same can be better managed with a regular dose of Tylenol or even with your favourite aspirin.

Once the stomach liposuction is over, there will be little drainage or oozing of fluids that get collected underneath the skin area and such discharge is common and will normally stop after 2 days.

You will also notice swelling and bruises over the area of operation, which are again normal and the same will subside after few days; and any healthy normal person will be able to get back to the regular daily schedule within a period of 2 to 3 weeks.


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