The Need of an Open Kidney Surgery

The human body consists of two kidneys on each side of the spine at the back of the abdomen. As we know kidney produces urine, flushes out the excess toxins in the body, and maintains a balance of the salts and acids in the body.

The common problems that arise from the kidneys are the block in the ureters. Ureters are the tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the bladder. This problem can arise from birth, sometimes due to the stones present in the kidney, due to illness or some injury. When neglected the blockage are infected and damages the kidney in the end.

The next problem is the cancer that affects the kidneys, forming small tubes and tumors inside the kidney, which originates in the renal tube and renal pelvis.

Open kidney surgery is necessary to remove large stones, which are caused by an infection. One may need open kidney surgery to remove smaller stones also when all other options to expel the stones have failed.

When a person is born with deformed urinary system that affects normal urine flow, then an open kidney surgery is necessary.

Kidney Transplant and Open Kidney Surgery

This open surgery is the conventional or the traditional method of surgery where the surgeon cuts open a six to seven inches incision on the front or side of the abdomen with the help of general anesthesia. This type of surgery lasts for about three hours and another two hours until you reach the recovery room.

The patient is under observation initially and has to stay in the hospital for about seven days. The patient cannot eat for the first three days and so should start on liquids. Painkillers are given and shots to prevent blood clots. Doctors recommend breathing exercises for the patients.

The advantage of taking up an open kidney surgery is that the surgeon is able to have a clear picture about the problem and so can handle it better like complex cancers.

The main disadvantage of this open surgery is that it leaves a big scar on the body. The stay in the hospital is long and it takes a long time to get back to the normal routine.

With the advent of laparoscopic surgery, open surgeries are becoming less popular because it is less invasive, no scar and time span to become normal is lesser than the open surgery.

The other risks related to open surgery is that there are chances of damage of other organs during surgery. Excessive bleeding may require blood transfusion. There are chances of infection also. All these risks are nil in laparoscopic surgery.

Although the open kidney surgery is becoming out of date because of its risks and demerits, surgeons or doctors still consider it in the case of kidney cancer, kidney transplant and other serious kidney diseases. Laparoscopic surgery do not help in such cases so open surgery or the traditional surgery is still necessary medically.

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