Beat Your Glaucoma with these Powerful Chinese Methods

In China, even school going children are taught with the age old massaging techniques, as Chinese people believe that such massaging acts.

Which are based on the ancient acupuncture principles, are in fact capable of reducing myopia occurrence and relieve eye strain to a very great extent.

In Acupuncture, small and sharp therapeutical needles are inserted into the specific areas of body for relieving pain and many diseases.

Acupuncture is, in fact, an emerging medical practice in western countries and believed to be very effective due to its direct effect on the nervous system.

It is also believed that in acupuncture, your body will release the natural painkillers such as endorphins and enkephalins, which aid in alleviating many of your sufferings.

When you trace down the history of china then you can understand that the popular yin and yang philosophic principle is the base for the acupuncture and in this principle, the earth is considered to be the yin, the female principle, and the heaven is considered as yang, the male principle.

Chinese believe that if yin and yang exist in balance then there will be a natural harmony in the entire universe. They also consider human body to be the constituents of yin and yang philosophy and hence there will be disease and suffering in case both yin and yang are found to be out of balance.

In order to correct any of the imbalances between the yin and yang, Chinese have found out twelve meridian body points that usually run along our body and when such meridian points are stimulated, you are bound to get the vital energy, named as chi, flowing freely again in your body.

The various meridian points correspond to the various organs of your body and a properly tuned or activated meridians can result in a better health.

What is the Effect of Acupuncture on Glaucoma?

Though there is no claim over acupuncture curing glaucoma condition, it is widely believed that acupuncture can indeed help in relieving few of the associated symptoms of glaucoma.

It is a human tendency for putting a number of “ifs” and “buts” before trying any of the new or modern techniques, which we are not familiar with, but there are many such techniques that can do wonders on your body health.

For example, if you happen to undergo one type of massaging technique namely Shiastu, it can act on your body much similar to the acupuncture principles of body meridians and improve your eye health considerably.

In shiastu, the chosen body areas are massaged for making the latent energy flow again freely and that making your various body system work in balance.

Few of the exercises that are based on the shiastu and acupuncture principles are enumerated below and if they are practiced for at least 10 to 15 minutes in a day, you are bound to maintain a good body as well as eye health.

• Hold your thumbs on your temple region of your head and your index fingers against your eyebrow in a bent fashion. Now massage the exact center portion of your eyebrow for 50 times.

Move your thumbs to right side by an inch and repeat the massaging for 50 more times. Now return your thumb position to its original center place by moving left by an inch and repeat the massaging for 50 more times.

• Identify the eye socket just beneath your pupil and massages this area for 50 times.

• There in one tender spot in your upper inner corners of your eye and you can feel this through your index fingers. Massage this spot with a rotary motion using your index fingers for at least fifty times.

• Massage your outer corners of your eyes using your index fingers and massage the area for fifty times with rotary motion.

• Massage the area that is jut below the tear duct of your eyes using fingers and let the massage be in rotary motion for at least 50 times.

• There are certain hollow regions in your temple area. Massage these hollow portions using your thumbs for fifty times.

• There is a hollow portion just above your center of eyebrows. Massage this area for fifty times.

• Using your thumbs, give a pressure on your upper forehead near the hairline. Massage this area for fifty times.

• Place both of your middle and index fingers just below your nose and you will have the position of your middle fingers resting below your nose bridge.

Now lift your middle fingers and move your both index fingers up towards your eyes giving pressure as you move upwards. Repeat this for fifty times.

• Feel the hollow portion just below your earlobes using your index fingers and massage the area upwardly for fifty times.

• You can feel and find a bony structure below your back of head where your head and the neck meet. The place where your head and neck meet will possibly be tender and hollow and massage this area for fifty times with fingers held together.

• Learn to do a circular massage starting from your eye sockets and extending the area to your full face.

• On top of your scalp just below the back of your head you can find few hollow portions similar to the soft spot on the head of a new born baby, and you can massage this area using your thumbs for fifty times. Then you can massage your back portion of your scalp for fifty times.

Please use to exert pressure in a sufficient manner but not to a level where it can hurt. Initially apply pressure for 10 seconds and release for few seconds. Repeat this process for the entire massage cycle.

The applied pressure should be able to stimulate the area in which it is applied and in case you feel that the applied pressure is not sufficient you can increase it and in the event of your not feeling comfortable with the pressure applied, reduce the pressure or stop with the massaging.


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