Knowing More about Your Farsightedness Before Actual Treatment

Hyperopic is the terminology used to denote the farsightedness problem in humans.

When you are farsighted, then the light rays that enter into your eyes may not get focussed exactly on you retina and instead it will get focussed behind your retina.

The main reason for such farsightedness is due shorter distance of eyeball from its corneal surface to the retina.A flatter cornea can also result in hyperopic condition and the images will get formed in an area beyond the retina.

Almost all newborn babies are farsighted and the babies will get the ability to see nearer things only over a period of time.

Only due to this farsighted nature, newborn babies are not able to recognize the various faces and as they grow old they develop the ability to see objects that are closer and thereby develop the recognizing abilities also.

During young age all hyperopic patients can see only distant objects clearly and hence they are called farsighted.The remedy for your farsightedness can be achieved by reshaping your corneal curvature and a surgeon can do this.

The surgeon with the help of a laser will carefully remove smaller chunks of tissues from areas around your cornea and thereby make your cornea change its curvature.

Now with a changed curvature of your cornea, the light rays will get focussed exactly on your retina and enable you to see things without any blurring in your vision.

The effect of treatment is not aimed at the line-of-sight, but done directly on your pupil. Once the surgery of removal of tissues around your cornea in a circular fashion is completed, your central portion of the cornea will have a more steeper surface with an improved refractive power now and this will result in a better focus of light rays.

LASIK procedure is performed for correcting both farsightedness and nearsightedness, be it any level of refractive error, but the tissue removal will be more in case of treatment for farsightedness.

Properly done refractive surgery for treating farsightedness can result in improvement of both distance and near vision, however, you may need to wear glasses if you are above forty years of age.

Though it is basically simple to tell that hyperopic patients will get their eyesight focussed beyond their retinal screen, in fact hyperopia is more complex and can never be explained with these simple words.

Your crystalline lens of your eyes will bend even the light rays falling parallel to your cornea and focus them in a place beyond your retinal receptors and thus making the situation more complicated or making your vision more blurred even in cases of very distant object.

Further, the diverging light rays emerging from closer objects will also get focussed along with the converging light rays, making the situation more confusing and more blurred.

So in order to understand your farsightedness better, you must first understand how the two lenses in your eyes are functioning in your “seeing” act.

Both of your powerful fixed corneal lens and the adjusting type crystalline lens work together for you to see things. When you are young your crystalline lens will be able to adjust its refractive power based on the object’s vision fallen on it.

In case of nearer objets, your crystalline lens will become thick so as to focus the nearer object correctly and the same crystalline lens will become flatter when you look at distant objects.

Depending upon what you see, your crystalline lens will instantly change for focussing the object’s image on your retina correctly and this “morphing” property of your crystalline lens is referred as “accommodation” by doctors.

In case of farsighted persons, this crystalline lens will lose its ability to adjust its refractive power or in layman terms the thickness of the lens so as to focus near objects and the resultant effect will be that you will have a blurred vision of near objects.

Hence, if you are farsighted then it indicates that both of your lenses lack in focussing power and the image focussed will fall beyond your retina.

Due to your farsightedness problem, you may feel fatigued frequently and you may also develop headaches due to the improper eye focus.

For instance, if you look at a near object, it will be normal for your both eyes to converge and come closer to each other so as to have a better focus.

The movement of your eyes is controlled by nerves and the same nerves are also responsible for managing or controlling the focussing power of your crystalline lens.

Your eye muscles, your crystalline lens and the controlling nerves work in coordination for you to see things and enable you to view the near object correctly.

But when a farsighted person shifts the vision to see a distant object, each of the lens will try to adjust or “accommodate” the act of seeing and in the process your eyes will turn inwards where as your brain will command your controlling eye muscles to turn the eyes outward for seeing distant objects.

And this type of incompatibility will result in strain and you may start getting double vision, or eyestrain, or even both.


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