Hernia is a bulge or a tear in the abdominal muscle. Umbilical hernia
is a type of hernia complaint that occurs around navel. Umbilical hernia
is more common in women and children. Obesity, heavy lifting, lung disease
(long history of cough), multiple pregnancies are the main causes. These
factors increase Intra abdominal pressure thus resulting in umbilical
What is
Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Surgery
Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Surgery is a modern day surgery mainly used
to examine or perform minor operation. Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Surgery
is performed through a small incision.
It equips flexible fiber optic instrument, biopsy forceps, and scissors.
It is also known as minimally invasive repair. Major advantages of Laparoscopic
Umbilical Hernia Surgery when compared to Open Umbilical Hernia Surgery
are: (1) Less Pain (2) Shorter Surgery Time (3) Early recovery after the
surgery (4) Very small incision.
Umbilical Hernia Surgery Procedure
Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Surgery is generally performed using Minimally
Invasive Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Repair procedure.
In this surgical procedure, prosthetic mesh plays a major role. Prosthetic
mesh is a synthetic material made up of absorbable sutures. It is placed
under the hernia defect area. This prosthetic mesh is supported by structures
and several small tacks making sure no abdominal contents are sliding
under it.
To undergo
Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Surgery, patient can be admitted on the
day of surgery. Different tests are made from anesthesia to CT scan (abdomen
and pelvis) to make sure that patient is fit for the surgery. Patient
will not be allowed to take any form of food before certain hours. Number
of intestinal bacteria can be considerably reduced by evacuating the colon.
Local anesthesia
is widely used for this laparoscopic surgery. Spinal anesthesia is also
an option. A small hole is made near patients belly button through
which camera attached telescope is inserted. Two more holes are made for
surgical gauges in the lower abdomen.
The affected part is reinforced with the prosthetic mesh. Prosthetic mesh
is firmly placed using titanium tacks, staples and tissue glues. After
surgery, patient is given IV narcotics to subside the pain. And from next
day, oral pain killers can be continued.
Risk factors
in Laparoscopic Umbilical Hernia Surgery
There are thin chances for urinary bladder, sperm tube, blood vessels
and intestine to get injured.
After surgery, difficulty in urinating is usual and it can be treated
by allowing a temporary tube in the urinary bladder.
There are chances for re-occurrence of hernia even after repairing
it through this surgery.